The Candaces of Meroe


The Candaces of Meroe were the queens of the Kingdom of Kush who ruled from the city of Meroe c. 284 BCE-c. 314 CE - a number of whom ruled independently c. 170 BCE-c. 314 CE - in what is now Sudan. The title Candace is the Latinized version of the term Kentake or Kandake in Meroitic and may mean “Queen Regent” or “Queen Mother” but could also mean “Royal Woman”. Although the term seems to have originally referred to the mother of the king, from around c. 170 BCE it was also used to designate a female monarch who reigned independently.

More about: The Candaces of Meroe


  • c. 284 BCE - c. 314 CE
    Royal women known as Candaces are influential or directly reign in Meroe. .
  • c. 170 BCE - c. 314 CE
    Female monarchs known as the Candaces of Meroe frequently reign independently in Meroe.
  • c. 170 BCE
    Shanakdakhete, Candace of Meroe, leads armies in battle. .
  • c. 40 BCE - c. 10 BCE
    Amanirenas, Candace of Meroe, reigns; concludes favorable peace with Rome.
  • c. 10 BCE - c. 1 CE
    Amanishakheto, Candace of Meroe, reigns.
  • c. 1 CE - c. 25 CE
    Amanitore, Candace of Meroe, reigns over the most prosperous era of the latter-day Kingdom of Kush.
  • c. 25 CE - c. 41 CE
    Amantitere, Candace of Meroe, reigns; most likely the Candace mentioned in the biblical Book of Acts.
  • c. 62 CE - c. 85 CE
    Amanikhatashan, Candace of Meroe, reigns. .
  • c. 266 CE - c. 283 CE
    Maleqorobar, Candace of Meroe, reigns.
  • c. 306 CE - c. 314 CE
    Lahideamani, Candace of Meroe, reigns.