English Original Language Translation Translator
Tibetan Sand Mandalas French Mandalas Tibétains Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Lesbos French Lesbos Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Lancaster Bomber French Avro Lancaster Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Kapilavastu French Kapilavastu Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Crazy Horse French Crazy Horse Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Wreck of the Batavia French Naufrage du Batavia Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Battleship Bismarck French Cuirassé Bismarck Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Centurion French Centurion Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Battle of Trenton French Bataille de Trenton Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Ögedei Khan French Ögedeï Khan Babeth Étiève-Cartwright