Ancient Britain


Ancient Britain was a landmass on the northwest of the continent of Europe first occupied by humans c. 800,000 years ago prior to it becoming an island c. 6000 BCE due to flooding which separated it from the mainland. Agriculture began to develop in the region c. 4200 BCE encouraging the development of civilization.

More about: Ancient Britain


  • 12000 BCE
    Paleolithic seasonal camp at Howburn Farm in Biggar, Scotland, visited regularly.
  • 10500 BCE - 7000 BCE
    Mesolithic settlements established (many seasonal) in Scotland.
  • c. 6500 BCE
    Possibly the last time there was a land bridge between Britain and the continent.
  • 6000 BCE
    Bones and antlers used as tools, ring and cup marks on stones begin appearing in Scotland.
  • c. 3500 BCE
    The vast stone complex known as the Ness of Brodgar in use in Orkney.
  • c. 3100 BCE
    Neolithic village of Skara Brae inhabited.
  • c. 3100 BCE - c. 2500 BCE
    Megalithic Period in which majority of standing stone sites were constructed.
  • c. 3000 BCE - c. 2800 BCE
    The Neolithic chambered cairn known as Maeshowe constructed and in use.
  • c. 2500 BCE
    Migration of the so-called Beaker People to Scotland.
  • 2000 BCE - 1500 BCE
    Wessex culture introduces bronze working to Britain.
  • c. 2000 BCE - c. 1400 BCE
    Early Bronze Age in Scotland.
  • c. 1400 BCE - c. 900 BCE
    Middle Bronze Age in Scotland.
  • c. 900 BCE - c. 400 BCE
    Late Bronze Age in Scotland.
  • c. 900 BCE
    Celtic Migration begins in Europe with many Celts landing in Scotland.
  • 55 BCE - 54 BCE
    Julius Caesar's expeditions in Britain.
  • 55 BCE
    Caesar attempts to invade Britain.
  • 54 BCE
    Caesar successfully invades Britain but withdraws to Gaul.
  • 54 BCE - 43 CE
    Roman influence grows in Britain owing to trade.
  • 43 CE
    Romans invade Britain under Aulus Plautius.
  • 43 CE - 47 CE
    Romans conquer South Britain and claim the territory as part of Roman Empire.
  • 43 CE
    Claudian invasion of Britain, includes the Legio II Augusta.
  • 51 CE
    Briton rebel leader Caratacus defeated, rebellion crushed.
  • 60 CE - 61 CE
    Boudicca's Revolt in Britain.
  • 60 CE - 61 CE
    Boudicca revolts, the Legio II Augusta does not respond to a call to arms.
  • 75 CE - 77 CE
    Romans defeat the last of the Northern tribes; Roman conquest of Britain complete.
  • 122 CE
    Construction begins on Hadrian's Wall.
  • 142 CE
    The Antonine Wall built under Antoninus Pius, north of Hadrian's Wall.
  • 286 CE
    Naval commander Carausius (Marcus Aurelius Mausaeus Valerius Carausius) declares himself emperor in Britain and Northern Gaul.
  • 293 CE
    Emperor Carausius assassinated by Allectus.
  • 410 CE
    Rome withdraws forces from Britain.
  • 450 CE
    Angles and Saxons settle Britain.
  • c. 500 CE
    Kingdom of Dal Riada conquers the region of Scotland.